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Run Applications Using a Network Installation of MATLAB Runtime

Local clients on a network can access MATLAB® Runtime on a network drive.

On Linux® systems, distributing to a network file system is the same as distributing to a local file system. After installing MATLAB Runtime, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or use shell scripts that point to the MATLAB Runtime installation. For information on setting the library path, see Set MATLAB Runtime Path for Deployment.

On Windows® systems, complete the following steps to run applications using a network install of MATLAB Runtime:

  1. Install MATLAB Runtime onto a machine with the same system architecture as the network drive. For details, see Install and Configure MATLAB Runtime.

  2. Copy the entire MATLAB Runtime installation folder onto the network drive.

  3. Add the directory <MATLAB_RUNTIME_INSTALL_DIR>\<VERSION>\runtime\<ARCH> to the path on all client machines. For instructions, see Set MATLAB Runtime Path for Deployment. All network clients can then execute compiled applications.

  4. The following table specifies which DLLs to register on each client machine to deploy specific applications.

    Application DeployedDLLs to Register
    Excel® Add-Ins



    .NET Assemblies and COM Componentsmwcomutil.dll

    To register these DLLs:

    1. Open a system command prompt

    2. Navigate to matlabroot\bin\version, where matlabroot represents the location of MATLAB or MATLAB Runtime that corresponds to the MATLAB release that you used to compile your application.

    3. Run one or both of the following commands:

      mwregsvr mwcomutil.dll
      mwregsvr mwcommgr.dll

      For more information about the mwregsvr utility, see Register COM Component (MATLAB Compiler SDK).