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Results List in Polyspace Desktop User Interface

This topic focuses on the Polyspace® desktop user interface. To learn about the equivalent pane in the Polyspace Access™ web interface, see Results List in Polyspace Access Web Interface (Polyspace Access).

The Results List pane lists all results along with their attributes. To organize your results review, from the list on this pane, select one of the following options:

  • None: Lists defects and coding rule violations without grouping. By default the results are listed in order of severity.

  • Family: Lists results grouped by grouping. For more information on the defects covered by a group, see Bug Finder Defect Groups.

  • Class: Lists results grouped by class. Within each class, the results are grouped by method. The first group, Global Scope, lists results not occurring in a class definition.

    This option is available for C++ code only.

  • File: Lists results grouped by file. Within each file, the results are grouped by function.

For each result, the Results List pane contains the result attributes, listed in columns:

FamilyGroup to which the result belongs.
IDUnique identification number of the result.
TypeDefect or coding rule violation.

Category of the result, for instance:

  • For defects: Groups such as static memory, numerical, control flow, concurrency, etc.

  • For coding rule violations: Groups defined by the coding rule standard.

    For instance, MISRA C™:2012 defines groups related to code constructs such as functions, pointers and arrays, etc.


Result name, for instance:

  • For defects: Defect name

  • For coding rule violations: Coding rule number


Additional information about a result. The column shows the first line of the Result Details pane.

For an example of how to use this column, see the result MISRA C:2012 Dir 1.1.

FileFile containing the instruction where the result occurs
ClassClass containing the instruction where the result occurs. If the result is not inside a class definition, then this column contains the entry, Global Scope.
FunctionFunction containing the instruction where the result occurs. If the function is a method of a class, it appears in the format class_name::function_name.
FolderPath to the folder that contains the source file with the result

CWE IDs corresponding to Bug Finder results. See CWE Coding Standard Coverage Using Polyspace.


This column is available only for results that were generated with a Polyspace product version R2022b or earlier. For R2023a and later versions, Polyspace shows CWE violations in same way as violations of other coding standards. See Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE).


Level of severity you have assigned to the result. The possible levels are:

  • Unset

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low


Review status you have assigned to the result. The possible statuses are:

  • Unreviewed (default status)

  • To investigate

  • To fix

  • Justified

  • No action planned

  • Not a defect

  • Other

To create and use custom review statuses, see Create Custom Review Status.

CommentsComments you have entered about the result
Assigned to

User name of reviewer assigned to this result.

This column is visible only for results that you open from Polyspace Access.

Ticket Key

When you create a bug tracking tool (BTT) ticket for a result, this field contains the ticket ID. Click the ticket ID in the Results Details to open the ticket in the BTT interface.

This column is visible only for results that you open from Polyspace Access.

To show or hide any of the columns, right-click anywhere on the column titles. From the context menu, select or clear the title of the column that you want to show or hide.

Using this pane, you can:

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