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Concatenate DataMatrix objects vertically


DMObjNew = vertcat(DMObj1, DMObj2, ...)
DMObjNew = (DMObj1; DMObj2; ...)
DMObjNew = vertcat(DMObj1, B, ...)
DMObjNew = (DMObj1, B, ...)

Input Arguments

DMObj1, DMObj2DataMatrix objects, such as created by DataMatrix (object constructor).
BMATLAB® numeric or logical array.

Output Arguments

DMObjNewDataMatrix object created by vertical concatenation.


DMObjNew = vertcat(DMObj1, DMObj2, ...) or the equivalent DMObjNew = (DMObj1; DMObj2; ...) vertically concatenates the DataMatrix objects DMObj1 and DMObj2 into DMObjNew, another DataMatrix object. DMObj1 and DMObj2 must have the same number of columns. The column names and the order of columns for DMObjNew are the same as DMObj1. The column names of DMObj2 and any other DataMatrix object input arguments are not preserved. The row names for DMObjNew are the row names of DMObj1, DMObj2, and other DataMatrix object input arguments.

DMObjNew = vertcat(DMObj1, B, ...) or the equivalent DMObjNew = (DMObj1, B, ...) vertically concatenates the DataMatrix object DMObj1 and a numeric or logical array B into DMObjNew, another DataMatrix object. DMObj1 and B must have the same number of columns. The column names for DMObjNew are the same as DMObj1. The column names of DMObj2 and any other DataMatrix object input arguments are not preserved. The row names for DMObjNew are the row names of DMObj1 and empty for the rows from B.

MATLAB calls DMObjNew = vertcat(X1, X2, X3, ...) for the syntax DMObjNew = [X1; X2; X3; ...] when any one of X1, X2, X3, etc. is a DataMatrix object.

Version History

Introduced in R2008b