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Add Ephemeris and Geoid Data for Aerospace Products

Add ephemeris and/or geoid data to use it with the Aerospace Toolbox functions and Aerospace Blockset™ blocks. You can add data for these functions and blocks.

Aerospace Toolbox FunctionsAerospace Blockset Blocks



Only for the EGM2008 Geopotential Model. Aerospace Toolbox provides EGM96 Geopotential Model data.

Geoid Height (Aerospace Blockset)


Only for the EGM2008 Geopotential Model. Aerospace Toolbox provides EGM96 Geopotential Model data.


Earth Nutation (Aerospace Blockset)


Moon Libration (Aerospace Blockset)


Planetary Ephemeris (Aerospace Blockset)

To add ephemeris and geoid data for these functions and blocks.

  1. In a MATLAB Command Window, type:


    The Add-On Explorer starts.

  2. Select the data you want to add, for example:

    • Geoid Data for Aerospace Toolbox

    • Ephemeris Data for Aerospace Toolbox

  3. On the data page, click the Install button.


    You must have write privileges for the folder to which you are adding data.

To check for updates, repeat this process when a new version of MATLAB® software is released. You can also check for updates between releases using this process.

See Also

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