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AI with Model-Based Design: Reduced Order Modeling


High-fidelity models, such as those based on FEA (Finite Element Analysis), CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), and CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) models can take hours or even days to simulate, and are not suitable for all stages of development. For example, a finite element analysis model that is useful for detailed component design will be too slow to include in system-level simulations for verifying your control system or to perform system analyses that require many simulation runs. A high-fidelity model for analyzing NOx emissions will be too slow to run in real time in your embedded system. Does this mean you have to start from scratch to create faster approximations of your high-fidelity models? This is where reduced-order modeling (ROM) comes to the rescue. ROM is a set of computational techniques that helps you reuse your high-fidelity models to create faster-running, lower-fidelity approximations.

In this session, you will learn how to create AI-based reduced order models to replace the complex high-fidelity model (a jet engine blade). Using the new Simulink add-on for Reduced Order Modeling, see how you can perform a thorough design of experiments and use the resulting input-output data to train AI models using pre-configured templates of LSTMs, neural ODE, and nonlinear ARX. Learn how to integrate these AI models into your Simulink simulations for control design, Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing, or deployment to embedded systems for virtual sensor applications.


  • Creating AI-based reduced order models using the Reduced Order Modeler App
  • Integrating trained AI models into Simulink for system-level simulation
  • Generating optimized C code and performing HIL tests

Please allow approximately 45 minutes to attend the presentation and Q&A session. We will be recording this webinar, so if you can't make it for the live broadcast, register and we will send you a link to watch it on-demand.

About the Presenter

Kishen Mahadevan is a senior product manager in the controls marketing group at MathWorks, where his focus is on driving the promotion and adoption of controls products, and strategically partnering with development teams to steer the product roadmap. Prior to moving into product marketing, Kishen worked for two years as an application support engineer supporting customers with their workflows and questions related to Simulink products, with a focus on physical modeling, controls, and deep learning applications. Kishen holds an M.S. in electrical engineering with a specialization in control systems from Arizona State University and a B.E. in electrical and electronics engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University in India.  

Product Focus

AI with Model-Based Design: Reduced Order Modeling

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