Overloading subsrefs for class and using it from another method in the same class
No, subsref is only called by indexing operations invoked outside the classdef. This design decision was to avoid triggering rec...

29 dagen ago | 0

Passing Structure through fminsearch
If p is the unknown parameter vector, it must be passed separately from the fixed parameters, S.PHI=... S.TAU=... [p...

29 dagen ago | 0

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Plot an arbitrary 3D plane given its equation.

29 dagen ago | 1 download |

multiple 3D plane plotting
Using this FEX download, planedip = 30; planeazim = 12...

30 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

Why do i get "Error using vertcat Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent" while using fmincon to do nonlinear optimization
However, as i searched, it seems appear for error in matrix calculation. there really isnt matrix calcualtion in my codes Certa...

30 dagen ago | 1

| accepted

Volume of union and volume of intersection of convex hulls?
Use intersectionHull from this FEX download to find the intersection,

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How can I define a custom loss function using trainnet?
If you have multichannel output, the loss function will give you an SSIM per channel, e..g, loss = @(Y,targets) 1-ssim(Y,target...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

MATLAB code of intersection
f=@(z) z(:,1:2)./z(:,3); t=(0:2:30)'; e=ones(size(t)); D=[cosd(t), sind(t), 0*e]; L1=cross(e*[0 0 1], D); L2=cross(e*...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

Constructing a 3D matrix out of single column coordinate data with a corresponding value
Let's call your Nx4 matrix XYZV. xyzv=num2cell(sortrows(XYZV,[3,2,1]) ,1); [I,J,K,V] =deal(xyzv{:}); I=findgroups(I); J=...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Constructing a 3D matrix out of single column coordinate data with a corresponding value
If you are trying to query velocity values at arbitrary 3D locations, do not use a 3D array. Instead, use scatteredInterpolant o...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How to close a figure made in one function, from a different function
How do I define ax in function B so that I can close Plot A You don't. You create ax in function A (it is obtained from the pl...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Grids of tiled chart layouts
A tool for simplifying the creation of nested tiled layouts

ongeveer een maand ago | 6 downloads |

Merging files based on location similarity use polyshape and overlaps
The variable naming in your posted code doesn't reflect the terminology in your text explanation, making it hard to interpret. T...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

| accepted

Multiple ylabels for tiledlayout
One approach would be to create a 2x1 tiledlayout where inside each tile you nest another tiledlayout of dimension 2x6. You can ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

lsqnonlin (lsqcurvefit , fmincon) does not change the variables in an optimization process to find the best fit
Consider the various recommendations at,

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

Loop through list of vectors (ie, the rows of a matrix), applying same "simple" function to each one, on GPU? Should I use arrayfun somehow?
Well whether you use the GPU or not, you don't have to loop across measurements. The operations in your example are trivial to v...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

| accepted


Hovering in debug mode triggers a jump into methods
I have been experiencing an aggravating thing for the past several Matlab releases and for which I am looking for troubleshootin...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0 answers | 1



Delete Negative Duplicates from Array
X=randi(9,3,4); X=[X,-X(:,1:2)] map=triu(squeeze(~any(X+reshape(X,3,1,[]),1))); [I,J]=find(map); X(:,[I;J])=[]

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Area under the plot

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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fill color between two curve
prf=3500; NumberOfAmbigiousArea=30; m=(1:NumberOfAmbigiousArea); rx = zeros(1,2*length(m)); %%%Distance of Amb Area p=prf...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

| accepted

pulling non-consistent arrays out of a structure
Here's a way you can extract and concatenate all the x,y data. However, I don't understand what you are trying to do with the m...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How to assign outputs of a function to an anonymous function in order to optimize with lsqcurvefit
% test data xdata = ... [0.9 1.5 13.8 19.8 24.1 28.2 35.2 60.3 74.6 81.3]; ydata = ... [455.2 428.6 124.1 67.3 43.2 28.1 1...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

| accepted

Converting FEA data as table into n-D gridded-data Array for Use with 'griddedInterpolant'
x=unique(t{:,1}); nx=numel(x); y=unique(t{:,2}); ny=numel(y); z=unique(t{:,3}); nz=numel(z); v=permute( reshape(t{:,4},[ny,...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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LU decomposition with 5 output arguments
dA=decomposition(A,'ldl'); x=dA\b;

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

How to plot 3D image in MATLAB?
volshow(Image.*(Image>=threshold)) There are also a number of 3D viewers offered on the File Exchange.

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Issue with finding circle and it's center in the image
Your posted code cannot be run by us and tested because input data and your homemade imgshow() function are not provided. Howeve...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Matrixes not multiplying correctly using for loops
[n,w]=size(a); [h,m]=size(b); assert(w==h,'Inner dimensions incompatible') c=zeros(n,m); for i = 1 : n for j = 1 : m...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

How to plot a large number of rectangles from a matrix
I don't really see why you need to find bounding rectangles to do what you describe. You could just represent the regions as pol...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Writing a function that accepts input argument that is one of 3 things
Does it want me to print the results of y using the fprintf function? No, it wants you to write the function fcn so that it beh...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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