the filter not work for matrix A 5*5

1 view (last 30 days)
Nooran Ali
Nooran Ali on 18 Dec 2015
Commented: Walter Roberson on 18 Dec 2015
I have this cod or kln filter for order two, i try to change the matrix A to become 5*5
but there is an error
can you help me
%%Model characteristics
% X(t) = A * X(t-1) + V(t) ---> A: State transition matrix, V=N(Mv,Q) : Process noise
% y(t) = C * X(t) + N(t) ---> C: Output matrix , N=N(Mr,R) : Observation noise
StateDim = 2; % Number of states ( size(A,1) )
ObsDim = 1; % Number of observations ( size(C,1) )
A = [1.9223 -0.9604 % 2nd order under-damped LTI system
1.0000 0];
C = zeros(ObsDim,StateDim); % Matrix C (Between outputs ans states), C = [I 0 0 ...]
C(:,1) = 1;
N = 100; % Number of datapoints
X = zeros(StateDim,N); % State data buffer
y = zeros(ObsDim,N); % Observation data buffer
%%Generate Process Noise (Noise of the state equations)
Var_PNoise = .1; % Process Noise variance
Mu_PNoise = 0; % Process Noise mean
Std_PNoise = sqrt(Var_PNoise)'; % Standard deviation of the process noise
PNoise = Std_PNoise * randn(StateDim,N) + Mu_PNoise*ones(StateDim,N); % Gaussian Process Noise
Q = cov(PNoise'); % Process Noise Covariance Matrix
%%Generate Observation Noise (Noise of the output equation0
Var_ONoise = 2; % Observation Noise variance
Mu_ONoise = 0; % Observation Noise mean
Std_ONoise = sqrt(Var_ONoise)'; % Standard deviation of the observation noise
ONoise = Std_ONoise * randn(ObsDim,N) + Mu_ONoise*ones(ObsDim,N); % Gaussian Observation Noise
R = cov(ONoise'); % Observation Noise Covariance Matrix
%%Initial values for the model
X(:,1) = [1 0]'; % Initial state
y(1) = C * X(:,1) + ONoise(:,1); % Initial observation
%%Simulate states and observations
% B and D matrices have been ignored in the model.
for i = 2 : N
X(:,i) = A * X(:,i-1) + PNoise(:,i); % States
y(:,i) = C * X(:,i) + ONoise(:,i); % Real Observations
%%Kalman filtering...
xh(:,1) = 0.01*randn(StateDim,1); % Initial state
Px = eye(StateDim); % Initial state covariance matrix
for i = 1 : size(y,2)
%---------- Time Update ----------
% A priori estimate of the current state ( x(t|t-1) = A*x(t-1|t-1) )
xh_(:,i) = A * xh(:,i);
% A priori estimate of the state covariance matrix ( P(t|t-1) = A*P(t-1|t-1)*A' + Q )
Px_ = A*Px*A' + Q;
%---------- Measurement Update ----------
% Kalman filter coefficient ( K(t) = P(t|t-1) * C' * inv(C*P(t|t-1) * C' + R) )
K = Px_ * C' * inv(C*Px_*C' + R);
% Estimated observation ( y(t|t-1) = C*x(t|t-1) + R )
yh_(:,i) = C * xh_(:,i) + R;
% Measurement residual error or innovation error ( y(t) - y(t|t-1) )
inov(:,i) = y(:,i) - yh_(:,i);
% A posteriori (updated) estimate of the current state ( x(t|t) = x(t|t-1) + K(t)*(y(t)-y(t|t-1)) )
xh(:,i+1) = xh_(:,i) + K * inov(:,i);
% A posteriori (updated) state covariance matrix ( P(t|t) = (I - K(t)*C) * P(t|t-1) )
Px = Px_ - K*C*Px_;
%%Plot the estimation results
figure, plot(y,'b')
hold on, plot(yh_,'r')
grid on
legend('Real observation','Estimated observation')

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Dec 2015
You would also need to change
%%Initial values for the model
X(:,1) = [1 0]'; % Initial state
With A being 5 x 5, X would need to be 5 x 1.
Nooran Ali
Nooran Ali on 18 Dec 2015
I change it , but there is problem in gain and in the figure
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Dec 2015
Are you receiving an error message, or is the result just not what you expected?
I do not understand the meaning of the C matrix in that code, and I do not understand the state initialization. Basically, I do not understand how this code works.

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