Problem with function_handle

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FrancescoMi on 23 Sep 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 24 Sep 2015
I have this code:
rho = 0.04;
c = 25;
eta = 0.02;
mu = 40;
sigma = 0.5;
alpha = -rho/eta;
F = @(t) t.^(-alpha-1).*exp(-t.^2./2+((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).*t);
F_d = @(t)t.^(-alpha-1).*(t.*sqrt(2.*eta))./sigma.*exp(-t.^2./2+((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).*t);
D = @(p)(exp(((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).^2./4)./gamma(-alpha)).*quadgk(F,0,inf);
D_d = @(p)(exp((((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).^2)./4)/gamma(-alpha)).*quadgk(F_d,0,inf)+((eta.*(p-mu))./(4.*(sigma).^2)).*(exp((((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).^2)./4)./gamma(-alpha)).*quadgk(F,0,inf); %Funzione cilindrica derivata
psi = @(p)exp((eta.*(p-mu).^2)./(2.*(sigma).^2)).*D;
psi_d = @(p)(eta.*(p-mu))./(sigma.^2).*exp((eta.*(p-mu).^2)./(2.*(sigma).^2)).*D + exp((eta.*(p-mu).^2)./(2.*(sigma).^2)).*D_d;
Theta = @(p)(p-c).*psi_d-psi;
FreeBoundary = fzero(Theta,10)
but it shows me this error
Error using fzero (line 289)
FZERO cannot continue because user supplied function_handle ==> @(p)(p-c).*psi_d-psi
failed with the error below.
Undefined function 'times' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'.
Error in prova_2 (line 24)
FreeBoundary = fzero(Theta,10)
Can you tell me why? Where is the error?

Answers (2)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 23 Sep 2015
You can't add/subtract/multiply/divide function handles so this would not work.
s = @sin;
c = @cos;
sc = @(x) s.*c;
thisWillError = sc(0:0.1:2*pi);
What you can do is add/subtract/multiply/divide the values returned by function handles instead.
s = @sin;
c = @cos;
sc = @(x) s(x).*c(x);
thisWillWork = sc(0:0.1:2*pi);

Stephen23 on 23 Sep 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 23 Sep 2015
You define D as a function:
D = @(p)(exp(((p...
but then later you use it as if it were a numeric (number):
psi = @(p)exp(...).*D;
A function handle is not a numeric, it cannot be multiplied. To fix this you could evaluate that function, which returns a numeric value and this can be multiplied:
psi = @(p)exp(...).*D(p);
FrancescoMi on 23 Sep 2015
But I need to maintain p as a variable and solve the final equation Theta. I've tried in this way:
rho = 0.04;
c = 25;
eta = 0.02;
mu = 40;
sigma = 0.5;
alpha = -rho/eta;
syms p t
F = t^(-alpha-1)*exp(-t^2/2+((p-mu)/sigma*sqrt(2*eta))*t);
F_d = t^(-alpha-1)*(t*sqrt(2*eta))/sigma*exp(-t^2/2+((p-mu)/sigma*sqrt(2*eta))*t);
D = (exp(((p-mu)/sigma*sqrt(2*eta))^2/4)/gamma(-alpha))*int(F,t,0,inf);
D_d = (exp((((p-mu)/sigma*sqrt(2*eta))^2)/4)/gamma(-alpha))*int(F_d,t,0,inf)+((eta*(p-mu))/(4*(sigma)^2))*(exp((((p-mu)/sigma*sqrt(2*eta))^2)/4)/gamma(-alpha))*int(F,t,0,inf);
psi = exp((eta*(p-mu)^2)/(2*(sigma)^2))*D;
psi_d = (eta*(p-mu))/(sigma^2)*exp((eta*(p-mu)^2)/(2*(sigma)^2))*D + exp((eta*(p-mu)^2)/(2*(sigma)^2))*D_d;
Theta = (p-c)*psi_d-psi;
FreeBoundary = solve(Theta,p)
But the values of the integral are really big and the integral doesn't work for more values of rho,eta and sigma.
Stephen23 on 24 Sep 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 24 Sep 2015
My answer works just fine, when you actually try it:
F = @(p,t) t.^(-alpha-1).*exp(-t.^2./2+((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).*t);
F_d = @(p,t) t.^(-alpha-1).*(t.*sqrt(2.*eta))./sigma.*exp(-t.^2./2+((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).*t);
D = @(p)(exp(((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).^2./4)./gamma(-alpha)).*quadgk(@(t)F(p,t),0,inf);
D_d = @(p)(exp((((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).^2)./4)/gamma(-alpha)).*quadgk(@(t)F_d(p,t),0,inf)+((eta.*(p-mu))./(4.*(sigma).^2)).*(exp((((p-mu)./sigma.*sqrt(2.*eta)).^2)./4)./gamma(-alpha)).*quadgk(@(t)F(p,t),0,inf); %Funzione cilindrica derivata
psi = @(p)exp((eta.*(p-mu).^2)./(2.*(sigma).^2)).*D(p);
psi_d = @(p)(eta.*(p-mu))./(sigma.^2).*exp((eta.*(p-mu).^2)./(2.*(sigma).^2)).*D(p) + exp((eta.*(p-mu).^2)./(2.*(sigma).^2)).*D_d(p);
Theta = @(p)(p-c).*psi_d(p)-psi(p);
And tested:
>> Theta(1.2)
ans = 7.4491e+051
>> Theta(-pi)
ans = 1.8295e+064
You might like to plot the data before trying to use fzoer, because it does not seem to have a zero crossing.

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