Difficulty applying fsolve in this context

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Hello. I have been working on trying to solve a relatively simple equation but it has been a real doozy getting MATLAB to work with it. I am definitely doing something wrong, but after a few days of messing around with solvers, I have made no headway whatsoever.
I am plotting a function whereby every point is determined by an equation whose parameters must be numerically solved for. But, I am stuck on the solving part. I have tried using both fzero and fsolve and I just end up with a jagged mess, unity, or no solution at all.
Here is my function file that is called by fsolve:
function F = maugis(m,i,lambda,A)
F = 0.5*lambda*A(i).^2*(sqrt(m.^2-1)+(m.^2-2).*atan(sqrt(m.^2-1)))+(4/3)*lambda^2*A(i).*(sqrt(m.^2-1).*atan(sqrt(m.^2-1))-m+1)-1;
Here are the values of the constants, for clarity:
w = .07; % Estimate for surface energy
E1 = 400e9; % E of IFM tip
E2 = 170e9; % E of sample
n1 = .28; % Poisson of IFM tip
n2 = .22; % Poisson of sample
R = 7e-6; % Radius of tip
Es = ((1-n1^2)/E1+(1-n2^2)/E2)^(-1);
s0=13.7e3; % max of Lennard-Jones-derived stress
lambda=(2*s0)/(pi*w*Es^2/R)^(1/3); % interaction parameter
The solver itself is embedded in a "for" loop on the main code as follows:
for i=1:length(A)
m_md(i)=fsolve(@(m) maugis(m,i,lambda,A),m0);
Once m_md is acquired, I run it through this code:
Is there a better way to set up this solver? I have plotted this function in a separate plot and I get explicit zero crossings everywhere. I am not sure what is going on. If I set the initial search point m0 as 1, I get a completely different solution than if I set it as 2, for instance. m0=1 shows a smooth line after plotting, while m0=2 generates an almost random scattering of points.
Charles on 13 Aug 2014
m_md should be unbounded, but should never be less than unity. If A is 0, then m_md would theoretically be infinity. As A increases, it should decrease monotonically towards 1.
Right now I am baffled as to the erratic behavior of the solver in how I set it up. It seems to produce different results depending on my starting value. But, having plotted the equation in a separate program, it should only cross 0 at one point.
Charles on 13 Aug 2014
Oh, I should also never have complex numbers in my plot. I think Pmd is outputting complex numbers for some reason, given these initial values. I have no idea. It's quite frustrating since I am dealing with lots of real-world numbers, but also attempting to mimic some results from some journal articles that have pretty much brushed over the explicit solution steps for the model.

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 13 Aug 2014
Edited: Matt J on 13 Aug 2014
You are doing nothing to enforce the constraint that m>=1, which leads to undefined or complex values for your objective F as the solver iterates. Use lsqnonlin to add bounds on m, or maybe even just fminbnd as applied to F^2.
Also, if the m_md(i) are supposed to be varying continuously with i as the loop increments, solve for m_md(i) using an initial value of m0 = m_md(i-1).
Matt J
Matt J on 13 Aug 2014
Edited: Matt J on 13 Aug 2014
Still better might be to make the change of variables
and solve in terms of z instead of m. This leads to an objective,
F = 0.5*lambda*A(i).^2*(z.^2+(z.^4-1).*atan(z.^2)+...
Notice that, in contrast to F(m), the function F(z) is defined and also differentiable at all z, which is what fsolve requires.
Charles on 14 Aug 2014
Thanks for the prompt reply and the suggestions. I tried all three, and decided on combining the change of variables approach you suggested with fminbnd for F^2, along with an interval over which to iterate.
In a separate file, I plotted the F with respect to a range of z values, each curve representing a different value for A. (I ran it through a loop), just to get an idea of where the minima should show up. I get a plot that looks like this:
A ranges from 0 to 2 (Red -> Blue) in this plot. So, I should expect z values from about 10 to past 30.
Here is my modified function file for an fminbnd approach:
function F = maugis(z,i,lambda,A)
F = (0.5*lambda*A(i).^2*(z.^2+(z.^4-1).*atan(z.^2))+...
Here is my code for the altered "for" loop using fminbnd.
for i=1:length(A)
z(i)=fminbnd(@(z) maugis(z,i,lambda,A),0,40);
Running the plot again, I get (as the black curve) fmd vs. a as:
Which is the same problem I had previously when using fsolve! Frustrating. However, looking at the equation for Pmd more closely... it looks like the paper I was reading had a typo. I cross-referenced with some other papers and it seems that
should ACTUALLY be
By doing so, I get the following plot (along with other parts of the code I activated):
It seems the culprit was a misprint in the journal article! Go figure (per se).
I still am getting some imaginary numbers for the blue data, but I figure that is another problem that I will use the skills I got sleuthing around for this bug to solve. Thanks for all the help, everyone.

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